Ewan Residence 2

City: 迪拜


{ "Ewan Residence 2 DIP": { "features": [ "配备了一对快速电梯,确保了大楼内的高效和无烦恼导航。", "Ewan Residence 2 Dubai Investment Park 提供一系列设施,包括安全措施、中央空调和维护服务。大楼的监控由专门团队负责,他们利用闭路电视摄像头确保安全。为了迅速处理任何问题或关切,大楼还配备了高效的维修人员。" ], "amenities": [ "健身爱好者可以享受一个游泳池和装备齐全的健身房。这些设施特别设计以满足当代健身需求。" ], "children_activities": "孩子们可以在指定的游戏区内参与他们喜欢的活动,并享受各种生活方式设施。", "concierge_and_guest_services": "大楼的门厅设计得非常优雅,为客人提供了一个放松并等待主人的空间。", "pets_welcome": "大楼内允许宠物入住。", "fire_protection": "为了确保居民的安全,大楼内已安装了灭火器和报警器,并且在建筑内进行了合理布局。", "apartments": [ { "type": "1-bedroom", "size": "750 sq. ft.", "amenities": [ "现代浴室设施", "大理石地板", "方便的内置衣柜", "封闭式厨房", "从客厅和餐厅通往的阳台" ] }, { "type": "2-bedroom", "size": "1,025 sq. ft. - 1,200 sq. ft.", "amenities": [ "两间卧室,每个房间都有独立浴室", "封闭式厨房", "宽敞的客厅和餐厅空间通往阳台" ] }, { "type": "3-bedroom", "size": "1,800 sq. ft.", "amenities": [ "三个相连的浴室和一个洗手间", "大理石地板", "内置衣柜", "现代封闭式厨房", "从客厅和餐厅通往阳台" ] } ] } }



Ewan Residence 2 Dubai 提供封闭式停车设施,为每套公寓提供基于其各自大小的指定停车位。


{ "Ewan Residence 2": { "type": "Dwelling", "place": "Dubai Investment Park (DIP)", "developer": "LOOTAH", "number_of_levels": "Three stories", "apartment_units": { "sizes_available": ["1", "2", "3-bedroom"], "total": "Various" }, "ownership_type": "Freehold", "facilities": [ "Fitness center", "Swimming pool", "Space for kids to play" ], "additional_information": "Conveniently situated near Ewan Residence 1, this freehold development provides various amenities for residents such as a children's play area, gymnasium, and swimming pool. Moreover, it boasts high-speed elevators and covered parking space for residents' convenience." }, "Dubai Investment Park (DIP)": { "type": "Residential and Commercial", "place": "Dubai", "size": "5,683 acres", "development_company": "Dubai Investment Park Development Company", "distinct_phases": "Three", "amenities": [ "Bustling commercial district with office spaces and retail establishments", "Industrial complex", "Seven environmentally conscious residential communities", "Strategic location near the international airport in Jebel Ali Free Zone" ], "infrastructure": "Offers a wide range of amenities for both residential and commercial purposes" } }