JAM Marina Residence

City: 迪拜
Apartment Type Market Price Range

758,960 AED


947,066 AED


1,796,639 AED


3,500,000 AED


2,280,000 AED


5,500,000 AED


1,700,000 AED


11,200,000 AED

Recent Unit Sales in JAM Marina Residence

Apartment Type Apartment Area Sale Price Date
2 B/R 375.82 6,200,000 AED 2024-12-27
2 B/R 375.82 4,563,300 AED 2024-12-27
3 B/R 234.53 4,351,924 AED 2024-12-26
2 B/R 162.18 2,400,000 AED 2024-12-23
2 B/R 162.18 3,000,000 AED 2024-12-23
3 B/R 226.57 7,800,000 AED 2024-12-20


{ "JAM Marina Residence 特色包括高速运行的电梯。为了确保安全、舒适和维护,我们在物业内安装了闭路电视摄像头,并提供全天候安保服务。我们的居民可以享受接待台服务及免费互联网服务。为了在迪拜较热的月份降温,公寓提供了空调服务。Empower 负责提供区域冷却服务,居民需支付年度冷凝器费用。", "为了举办小型聚会和野餐,居民可以使用烧烤区作为活动空间。JAM Marina 提供各种健身设施给其居民,如配备专业教练的健身房。此外,还有一座标准大小的游泳池,其风景秀丽地面向海港。开发项目还包括居民专享的桑拿室和水疗中心。", "居民可以在多种休闲活动中享受奢华生活。这些活动包括篮球场、儿童游乐区以及面向海港的泳池。", "接待和客人协助服务24/7为居民提供指导和支持,前台有专门的管家。", "与迪拜玛里纳区的许多其他建筑一样,JAM Marina Residence 允许宠物入住。", "JAM Marina Residence 提供多种房型,总计220套。这些单位有不同的大小,包含1间、2间或3间卧室。大多数 BHK 单元是带家具的,可立即入住,但这些设施的可用性取决于房东的决定。", "JAM Marina Residence 提供1间卧室公寓,面积从800到950平方英尺不等。这些单元配备了现代卫生设施,包括带嵌入式橱柜的厨房、内置衣柜、起居室和落地窗以增加自然光。", "JAM Marina Residence 提供2间卧室公寓,面积从1,400平方英尺到1,550平方英尺不等。这些单元还包括至多两个完整的浴室和一个宾客浴室。卧室配有内置衣柜,客厅与温馨的起居区相邻。", "JAM Marina Residence 提供3间卧室公寓,面积从1,948平方英尺到2,050平方英尺不等。每个卧室都有独立的浴室,公寓还包括额外的独立浴室。厨房配备了最先进的现代家电。", "JAM Marina Residence 的顶层公寓拥有四间卧室,面积约为5,250平方英尺,非常宽敞。这些公寓配备了宽敞的起居室、封闭式厨房和五个完整浴室。此外,选择这种户型的人将享有储物室、女仆间和独立书房的使用权。", "顶层公寓以其优质装修和宽敞的窗户而闻名,提供令人惊叹的阿斯塔特、棕榈岛和阿拉伯海的景色。住户将获得一张独特的访问卡,允许他们通过限制进入楼层。" }


开发商 Capital United LLC

JAM Marina Residence 提供每个住宅单元的地下室停车位,但访客必须在付费的露天停车场停车,因为在建筑内没有指定的访客停车位。


{ "JAM Marina Residence": { "developer": "Katib & Alami", "building_details": { "type": "residential building", "floors": "41", "apartments": "220" }, "amenities": [ { "name": "welcoming reception service", "description": "shared sauna and Jacuzzi" }, { "name": "gymnasium", "description": "" }, { "name": "barbecue area", "description": "" } ], "recreational_amenities": [ { "name": "running track", "description": "" }, { "name": "basketball court", "description": "" }, { "name": "outdoor play area for kids", "description": "" }, { "name": "yoga room", "description": "" } ], "location": { "description": "located in the sophisticated waterfront neighborhood of Dubai Marina, serving as a bustling center for commerce and dining", "accessibility": "easy access to several dining and entertainment choices like fine dining eateries and cafes along with grocery stores" }, "property_type": "Freehold", "additional_information": [ { "description": "The complex houses a variety of stores and retail outlets." }, { "description": "In close proximity to upscale eateries, grocery stores, and prominent attractions." }, { "description": "Located in the sophisticated waterfront neighborhood of Dubai Marina, which serves as a bustling center for commerce and dining, are numerous towering residential buildings crafted by esteemed developers. Those seeking lavish living arrangements will find apartments for rent in Dubai Marina to be an ideal option. Additionally, investors searching for opportunities to purchase property within this affluent community can explore various options for apartments available on the market." }, { "description": "In brief, JAM Marina Residence provides an elegant architectural design and a lavish way of living for its occupants." } ] }, "Dubai Marina": { "location_description": "Located in a coastal neighborhood", "building_details": { "type": "residential tower", "floors": "41" }, "property_type": "Freehold", "additional_information": [ { "description": "A Freehold property is one that you own outright, without any additional fees to lease or rent the land it sits on. It represents a valuable form of ownership because it gives you complete control over the asset and allows for greater flexibility in making decisions about its use and disposition. With a Freehold building, you have both the structure itself and the land it occupies as your personal property, giving you a sense of security and stability that can be hard to achieve with other types of real estate arrangements." }, { "description": "The complex boasts 220 units of living space. Some of the facilities available here include a gymnasium, sauna and jacuzzi. Residential parking available for private vehicles. The residents have access to outdoor facilities that include a basketball court, a barbecue area and a play area." }, { "description": "There is a range of bedroom options available for apartment units, varying from 1 to 3." } ] } }