{ "content": [ "
Tamani Arts Offices,位于繁华的Business Bay地区,配备了许多先进的高速电梯。
", "专业人士可以享受到全天候的安全管理服务,包括礼宾和停车服务,在Tamani Arts Towers。此外,大楼还提供高效的清洁和维护服务。
", "Tamani Arts Offices 提供多种商业物业,涵盖零售和办公单位,位于其商务大厦内。总共有996个办公室和零售店铺可供选择,个人可以选择购买或租赁自己所需的办公空间。
", "为满足特定需求而定制的办公室空间。
", "框架与核心办公室是指开发商提供的基本结构,没有内部装潢或装饰。这些类型的办公室为租户提供了一个空白画布,可以按照自己的具体需求和偏好对其进行定制和设计。框架与核心办公室提供了灵活性,并允许租户对办公空间的布局、设计和功能拥有完全控制权。
", "这些商业单位中大多数已经配备了或完全装修好了,可以立即投入使用。然而,也有框架与核心办公室可供租用。这些空间为租户提供了更大的美学自由度来配置他们的办公室。空置的框架与核心办公室可以使用定制家具来建立所需的办公氛围。租户还可以根据需要选择有庭院、运河、泳池或角落位置的办公室。
", "位于Tamani Arts Tower内的办公室面积从314平方英尺到636平方英尺不等,提供了不同需求的多种选择。无论空间是否已经装潢或框架与核心,所有单位都配备了精美的地板,并配备了商用级照明以获得最佳光照。为了增加亮度,每个办公室都配备了宽敞的双层玻璃窗户,可以让阳光透过同时有效地控制热量。为了方便,每一个单位都配备了至少一个卫生间和一个紧凑的厨房区作为标准设施。
", "Tamani Art Tower内的商店大小不一,从597平方英尺到2,577平方英尺不等。位于塔楼前面的商店具有重要意义,因为它们提供了优越的品牌展示机会,由于其显眼的位置。此外,一些商店还包括多个停车位以便利。
" ] }The parking area in Tamani Art Tower spans across the three underground levels.
{ "Tamani Arts Offices": { "is_a": "business tower", "location": { "district": "near the creek's coastline", "street": "Al Asayel Street" }, "architectural_details": { "design": "three sleek rectangular buildings connected perpendicularly on top of a spacious three-storey podium", "facade": "reflective glass facade", "podium_motifs": "black and white decorative motifs" }, "location_details": { "strategic_location": "along Al Asayel Street, providing easy access to Financial Centre Road", "status": "known as the 'Manhattan of UAE'" }, "surroundings": { "proximity_to": { "Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC)": "close proximity", "Downtown Dubai": "a mere stone's throw away" }, "proximity_to": { "Dubai Creek": "southern extension" } }, "amenities": { "commercial_properties": "boasts remarkable hospitality, residential, and commercial endeavors", "property_market": "one of the most coveted destinations for property rentals and purchases in Dubai" }, "location_within": { "Business Bay": "situated in a prominent business district in Business Bay", "Artisan Cluster": "conveniently neighboring Bay Square" }, "developer": "The Developers Properties LLC", "architect": "Terry Farrell & Partners", "building_type": "tall building housing both corporate offices and retail stores", "height": "328 feet", "levels_above_ground": "21", "parking_levels": "three levels beneath the ground floor specifically designated for parking purposes", "office_units": "commercial properties encompass both business units and retail shops", "office_sizes": "various sizes ranging from 314 sq. ft. to 636 sq. ft.", "corporate_amenities": "includes a variety of corporate amenities and recreational features", "proximity_to_attractions": { "Burj Khalifa": "just a stone's throw away", "The Dubai Mall": "just a stone's throw away", "Downtown Dubai": "just a minute away" } } }